Gazetted Notification related to Adoption
- Model Foster Care Guidelines, 2024
- Adoption Regulations 2022 ( Bilingual Hindi & English )
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Amendment Rules, 2022
( Bilingual Hindi & English ) - The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2021
- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children), Act 2015 (English)
- Regarding Role of Indian Mission Abroad
Regarding gazette notification of Inter country Adoptions under HAMA
( Bilingual Hindi & English ) - The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2021 - reg.
In Focus
Withdrawal of vacancy advertisement due to administrative reason
The official email ID of CARA is ""
In-home Children : बच्चों के आँकड़ों व सूचनाओं में संशोधन (data cleansing), श्रेणी में बदलाव और दत्तक-ग्रहण हेतु विधिक रूप से मुक्त (LFA) होने की स्थिति
Data Cleansing, Change of Category, LFA Status -
विशिष्ट दत्तक-ग्रहण अभिकरण (SAA) और बाल देखरेख संस्थाओं (CCI) के बीच लिंकेज के अनुसार विभिन्न हितधारकों (Stakeholders) की भूमिका और कार्य
SAA-CCI linkage : Roles and Responsibilities of Different Stakeholders -
देश के भीतर हितधारकों (stakeholders) के पंजीकरण, नवीकरण और उनके एक से अधिक पंजीकरणों की cleansing की प्रक्रिया|
Procedure of registration, renewal and cleansing of multiple registrations of in-country stakeholders . -
जिला मजिस्ट्रेट द्वारा जारी दत्तक-ग्रहण आदेश जिला बाल संरक्षण इकाई (DCPU) द्वारा अपलोड किया जाना।
Uploading of adoption orders issued by DM at the level of DCPU. -
CARINGS पोर्टल में 5 श्रेणियों में बच्चों का पंजीकरण
Registration of children in 5 categories on CARINGS portal
Automated referral cycle is being executed five days in a week w.e.f. 15-01-2024 on Monday at 10:00AM, Tuesday at 11:00 AM, Wednesday at 12:00 Noon, Thursday at 01:00 PM and Friday at 02:00 PM.
'7days for RI/NRI/OCI PAPs' tab is being executed once in a week w.e.f. 15-01-2024 on every Tuesday at 10:00 AM.
Process Related to Adoptable Children
Adoption means a legal process that allows someone to become the parent of a child, even though the parent and child are not related by blood. But in every other way, adoptive parents are the child's parents.
Procedure for
AdoptionEvery resident Indian Prospective Adoptive Parent (PAP), who intends to adopt a child, shall register online in Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System by filling up the application form as provided in Schedule-6 and uploading the relevant documents.
Role of
StakeholdersVarious recognised agencies and authorities have been assigned roles to facilitate adoption process as per Guidelines Governing The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children), Act 2015 Amendment in 2021.

Toll free help line no. 1800-11-1311
Available between 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on all working days (Mon-Fri) except gazetted holidays.